Friday 29 October 2010

Time Traveller in 1928?

So here's a little interesting thing I found on youtube the other day. It seems that on some bonus footage on the features disc of Charlie Chaplin's movie Circus made in 1928. The footage seems to come from the premier of the movie in Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Several people walk by the static camera and the last one to do so seems to be a large woman (but seemingly a man dressed as a woman) who appears to be talking on a mobile telephone. I've added the link which includes the footage of the film student who discovered to explaining everything.

I must warn you however that he has filmed the footage on his TV screen rather than putting it direct through the flash player. But he does use his DVDs picture enhancements to show you what's happening (slow-motion and zoom).

I saw a movie years ago about a historian who find a photograph of a cowboy from the 19th century apparently carrying a modern gun. It was a pretty bad TV movie to be honest but it's on the same lines. So if you watch the film please feel free to comment below and tell me what you think. Or if anyone has the movie maybe they could check it out and see if this is for real.

I have a few caviats however about this footage. For one it was common for "candid" or news footage to actually be done by actors taking direction. It was also common for men to double as women in the movies at the time. It is possible that the director for this "news" footage instructed his "actress" to cover his face so as not give away the illusion that this was not in fact a woman at all. However there is compelling evidence that the "time traveller" was in fact holding something. The bent hand and the fact that the person seems to be talking animatedly.

As Connan-Doyle's famous detective once quipped "once you have eliminated all possibilities than only the impossible must remain".

This also raises another interesting point. If we accept for a second that time travel is possible and that one day in the future(/past?) and that we can enjoy vacations to 1928 we will also be able to take our phones. Send a text from the court of Elizabeth The First? Facebook from the Kennedy Assassination? It seems they've found away for us to travel and not pollute the time line, even with blunders as big as this where someone with advanced technology is actually recorded using it.

Hope you find this interesting.

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