Tuesday 26 October 2010

Sharks vs Jets (or how I leaned to love my dumb phone)

There is a new phone coming out this week. It's by Windows. Now I'm not a particularly tech-savy person. I like my stuff to work and be simple to use. I know a lot of people who love Macs but I use a PC. Works? Simple to use? No not really. Actually today I just spent six hours with anti virus software only to be kicked off my PC because my software deleted something in the registry or some other weird techno babble that I only understand because I went online and had it explained to me like I was some kind of mentally challenged parrot with downs.

So why do I use a PC and not a Mac I hear you ask? Because it's what I know. I like the layout, I know where everything is. It's familiar.

So as you can imagine since I have held off whilst everyone in the world has gotten an iPhone or an Android I have stuck with my trusty Sony phony. So as a Windows guy I was interested to see what their offering was like. So like any other normal web user I went to look at a few demos on youtube.

Ok so it's a phone. It looks pretty nice, I guess. It makes calls, goes onto facebook, plays mp3s and all the usual stuff. The only big difference that I could see is the interface. Now I'm sure that like all products it has its pros and cons. It probably does somethings better than the iPhone and probably does this worse too.


Listen if you have time to watch a demo of a fucking telephone and actually then have the time to get into an argument about it with someone you have never met you've got fuckin problems. If we had been in a bar there would have been a brawl. It was literally the 21st century version of Sharks and Jets.


I'm sure this fall under "Worshipping False Idols". Am I the only one being driven crazy by comment boxes under videos and pictures. Do I give a fuck what "danuser1976" thinks about a product I am about to purchase. Do I care two shits about what "monikablue42" has to say about how wonderful her iPhone is and how she could never trust a PC user? Never trust a PC user. I'm serious. Somewhere in the world a woman is basing her personal relationships on the type of operating system people are using. Something tells me she need to re-boot her pussy more than once a year.

First of all, all of the people who were saying how awful this new system was had obviously never used it since it comes out TODAY! So basically in this high tech world of wikipedia and youtube we now can form opinions on subjects of which we have no understanding whilst gathering information from un-checked and badly researched sources.

Second of all are there not more pressing issues in the world. Starvation, death, economic meltdown, nuclear disarmament. Even choosing a colour for my kitchen fall higher up the list than what fucking operating system my phone runs on.

So now I know why I have a crappy phone. Because if I buy one of these "smart" phones I will become one of them. I will bump into someone who has a Jet whilst I text someone on my Shark and it will be a fight to the death. Perhaps the wars of the 21st century will be techno-wars but not in the way we think. You will wake up one morning to find people fighting in the street, a (un) civil war over who has the best operating system.

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